Apr 16, 2008

Past in Numbers

I was thinking last night (couldn't fall asleep, any thought was fine) how many times I moved so far in my fairly short life. And I could not count it because I had to establish what qualifies as "moving".

So the threshold is set at 2 months - any place I lived in for more than 2 months and where I bothered to bring my trinkets.

Countries lived in: 6 (4 continents)
By the time I turned 23 I lived in 10 different houses only in my home country.
In the last 3 years changed 9 houses.

All together I moved 24 times. Sometimes I was going back and forth....

And you know what? I think I am addicted to it. Its a bit like virtual life, only it is real. I get to try different countries and houses, people&cuisine, see how they fit and then later I get to pick the best one.
I could even miss&match. ;)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My husband's cousin moves every year or so because her husband never seems to be able to settle in 'the right' house. She told me that she thinks that even after she dies they will probably decide to put a road through the cemetary and have to move her grave! - this is totally possible in Libya..

I'm enjoying your blog... keep posting!