May 22, 2008

My neighbors

I woke up this morning gaping for the air. I sat in my bed confused and sleepy and tried to get my brain to cooperate and tell me whats happening.. After a while i came to few conclusions.
I am alone in the bed. G went to work. My left foot is itching. Maybe  not the reason for waking up.  There is clothes on the floor. Nothing new there. Alarm clock didnt go off again. Or maybe it did.. And finally... There is smoke in the bedroom.
Our house is a bit drafty and I do my best to make it even more so. All strategic windows are kept open so fresh spring air (pfff) can enter the house and maybe see how nice it is and stay... But the downside of it is that occasional not so nice fragrance also gets in. And again, in the case of fire there would be no containment of it. All that air coming in, going out.. Fire would be very happy here.
So I got up, and stumbeled around the house for a while trying to see where is it coming from. And then I remembered.
Last year our back neighbors were burning some of their embassy confidential papers (some of them flew over the wall to us. and I am curious person.) and something that smelled like tire. They burned it just on the other side of the wall dividing our 2 properties. I guess that spot was furthest away from their house. So I walked to our back garden and there it was. Smoke was flowing down the wall, burned papers flying around..

As I think mentioned before, in Libya each house is surrounded by 3-4 meters high walls. There is appeal in it - like walking naked in your garden and noone can see you. Unless your neighbors across the street dont have huge house and they ALWAYS hang out of their first floor windows... The walls are fine. I would feel very unconfortable here not to have them actually. The thing is that having these walls sometimes mean that people do stuff in their gardens which they would not do (if they were sane) if their neighbor had a chance to pop his head above the hedge and express his feelings. Or I hope they wouldnt, but then again one never knows here...
Since we live in Gargaresh area, our plot is small and our walls are very close to the house. And the effect of it.. It is like sitting on the bottom of empty swimming pool in the middle of the summer. Our back garden (tropical, planted by us. Us...US!!!!!) is small and the wall is just 3 meters from the house. 3 meters from our bedroom. 3 meters from the bed which is in front of the window!
So what kind of bloody idiot burns plastic and paper next to the wall in his back garden? He, and I know it was he, since I finally got so angry to go up the roof and scream at him (see previous post) . I actually went up on the roof to see the fire since I can see in their garden from there (i am also rude person. sometimes). And I see guy bringing in more papers. For the fire..And HE waves at me and smiles! Oh, then it is fine. I cant breathe, he is sending burning pieces of paper over the wall on my bannana plants, pond is full of floating half burned paper, my head is throbbing and he is smiling. 

Does he really not understand that it is at the very least "not nice" or WRONG to inflict smoke upon your neighbors just because you dont have a paper shredder? Or sanity to use garbage service for old tires that you have laying around your garden?

I give up.

I think I am going to make myself gin-tonic!

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